How to Reach New People



Over the past several decades many congregations have become inward focused and experienced numerical decline, sometimes at an alarming rate. In this weekend workshop, congregational teams (pastor + church leaders) will learn how to turn around this trend and reach new people by aligning themselves with their mission field.

workshop includes:

  • The significant and strategic differences between 1955 and today
  • Reconnecting with the mission field around the church
  • Re-Introducing the practice of the pastor as a recruiter of new people
  • Strategies to reallocate 20% of the pastor's time to network and recruit new people
  • The congregation's role in reaching new people
  • Each team develops an Action Plan to take home with them

Ongoing support is available by participating in a "Coaching Cluster" facilitated by Griffith Coaching.

In the process of moving from an inward to an outward focus, participants will gain confidence that they can reach new people for Christ and turn around their church.